case study: bajaj capital

Bajaj Capital

Client: Bajaj Capital Limited

Industry: BFSI

Lauch date of the Initiative: 6th March 2018

Bajaj Capital Limited - Beautiful Minds: Women's Day Campaign

Key highlights of the campaign

Objective of the campaign & target group


The format of the contest was simple we have shared a video on Facebook and Twitter, sharing a message that how all the women arounds us make our lives beautiful, all the participants have to share a creative message for the special women in their lives and tag them in the post. The message which is most creative will get Book My Show Voucher.

Bajaj Capital
Bajaj Capital
Bajaj Capital
Bajaj Capital

Impact an result:

The contest was run on Facebook and Twitter and we have got good response on both the channels.

Below are the stats from all the social media platforms:


Bajaj Capital


Bajaj Capital

The Message has been well depicted in the video and people shared entries in the form of stories, messages, image and video with the women they respect. Through this campaign we tired to engage with our audience emotionally and we were successful in getting such responses.

Bajaj Capital
Bajaj Capital
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